Yes, I hope you would extend your wandering
westward. I’ve enquired with a man in the Romance Dept. The present Romanian is
not excellent and wants to leave (has to leave?) The Dept. would be happy to
have someone like you here to teach Romanian and animate Michigan life in
general. But they would not pay. For that you should apply to Fullbright-Hays
(they have an office in New Delhi – on Haley Road, I think, near Connaught
Circus) and try to get a Fullbright Lectureship here at Michigan. If you decide
to try please let me know and I will prepare people here to the idea (also put
me down in the application as a reference). Finally send me a copy of one or
two of your volumes.
got your note this morning. It sounds like you are leaving Delhi for good (=
forever). I am sad that now there will be no antidote to India when I go there
next (which I hope will be in July this year). But if I could stop in Romania
on the way to India? Let me know what possibilities there are while you can
still write and speak openly. There is snow here and it reminds me of the
enormous drifts on the Delhi University Campus and the blocks of ice floating
down the Jamna like rafts of pine logs of the Danube. It is all coming back to
me. And now whenever I see a bench without a pillow, I shall think, “What do
you expect? Naples?!’ Your friend on the falling trapeze, Peter.
was my pleasure also to meet you in Zagreb, and for the few words you addressed
to our symposia. I have long been interested in Romania and have visited it
twice (Cluj, Sibiu, Timisoara, Turnu Severin, Oradea etc. / but… not the
Capital or the Black Sea coast). As you may know, Romania and Romanian culture
are rather unknown in the United States. We do, however, have several hundred
thousand people of Romanian ancestry.
am a social anthropologist with interests in a number of subjects including
Southeastern Europe, social gerontology, visual anthropology (film), and urban
and applied anthropology.
was delighted to hear from you, and very much appreciate the materials you sent
me (Bucharest Newsletter etc.). However, am especially honored to be included
as a Member at large of the International Academy Mihai Eminescu. I was very
surprised to see my name among the members.
am back in Buenos Aires. My journey to India was very positive. I am very happy
to have met you and your family. You are an excellent person and a true
intellectual. I admire your enthusiasm, I hope to see you again some day and
some where.
much happened since our enjoyable few weeks in Delhi and meeting you there. I
have just returned from a few months leave in England – at the University of
East England, Norwhich. My main research interests are in atmospheric
chemistry, rainwater chemistry and their effects on building stone –
particulary limestone. Unfortunately we could not travel as far as Romania –
Venice was the nearest we approached to you.
flew from Delhi on 18th January and got back to Thimphu on 19th.
On the following day I went to see my boss. He was very much pleased when I
talked about you and the work you are doing. I hope you are getting on well
with your art work. I am looking for the pictures of Mithun, Bhutanese calendar
etc. It seems I may be able to get only black and white pictures. I was just
wondering if you are interested to work in Bhutan. We need an artist of your
skill in order to do the illustration part of our school text books. I honestly
don’t know if your husband is a visiting lecturer in English language and
literature. If so he will be welcome to work either in one of our central
schools or college.
I found because of ‘red tap’ your draft has not been made by the Finance
branch. Today there is strike in the bank. Tomorrow I will get the draft made
personally and post you.
ji. It is very hot here. Such weather rare in Delhi. You are lucky being in
Dharamshala. I am sure Dharamsala must be little warmer than usual. I hope you
like the place.
child here speaks very fine Romanian. He speaks in Romanian in dream and, when
single, speaks to himself in Romanian. He feels much more at home in Romania
than in Hindi or English.
is very small but very beautiful place on the way to Simla. After Delhi heat,
it seems like in refrigerator, so all of us are very happy, it is sad that we
have to return to Delhi, relatively so quickly. It could be good idea to shift
foreign languages courses to Himachal Pradesh University in Simla. It would
resemble like in Switzerland Alps or Romanian Carpathian Mountains.
to get some Press Coverage in your country – Frank Starr, America’s next
president! Please also help me to gain Political Asylum in your country should
I need as I expect Pres. Bush to severely persecute me.
am writing this few words with terrible pain of my tooth. I hope that you
survive somehow terrible heat of Delhi at least our coming back to Delhi. The
altitude where we stay in Mussorie is 2.200 meters above sea level.
Nous ne nous sommes pas vus bien longtemps dans l’aeroport
de Karachi mais j’ai pui admirer votre culture français et votre amour de la
Literature. Nous somme restés une journée a Bucarest-
visite de la ville avec l’Englise S-te Helene et
Constantin… Votre capitale ressemble a toutes les villes de l’Occident latin. Des toilettes
variées, des gens mornes et empressés. Pur moi et notre petit groupe de
quatorze, nous sommes rentés enchantés du peuple Chinois, pauvre et obeissant,
mais hereux et calme, et souriant. Il se contente de ce qu’il a, et c’est un exemple
pour nous societés de gasillage. J’avais des timbres représentant le petit
Michel de oumanie – mais tout cela a été volé a la guerre
Tous mes Vœux pour une
année de Courage et de Joie en famille, dans cette Inde enchanteresse et
magique – dont je ne connais pas encore le Sud, ni Veylan. Je vois que la
Providence vous accompagne en ce difficile chemin de la Vie… comme Elle a
permis la rencontre de Karachi – je m’en souviens comme si c’était hier. Merci
pour votre si aimable invitation, mais je me demande si, apres les élections
présidentielles.\, d’avril, la France ne deviendra pas socialiste, avec
François Mitterand… et, alors, ce sera difficile de voyager. De plus, je viens
d’avoir 66 ans, a Noel, et la fatigue commence a se faire
sentir. Jeudi, nous avons pu voir, a la T.V., la réception de Marguerite Yourcenar, a l’Académie
française, faisant l’eloge de Roger Caillois, une mystique de la matiere, de la
pierre. La response de Jean d’Ormessonn fut magistrale, « les étoiles que
laissent les oiseaux lorsque'ils marchent dans la neige." Remercions à
Dieu ensemble pour ce qu'il nous offre, et soyons comme un petit enfant comme
l’a été Therese Martin, d’Alençon ou elle est née (a 20 km. De Séez)
et 100 km. de Lisieux.
Mais c’est une grande
soufferance que je partage avec vous, et cette épreuve va fruitifier votre
œuvre, va faire grandir votre créeation… Tous les poetes, tous les
artistes, ont enfanté dans douleur – Baudelaire, Musset, Vigny, ont célébré
cette solitude qui est « pure, fiction passive »… Je vous connai tres courageux et,
apres le sombre hiver, vient le soleil doré « Vous avez
bien fait de garder votre situation actuelle dans cet avenir incertain – et ce
sera peut-etre Rodica qui reviendra a Delhi, avec Nana qui aura grandi… Pouvez-vous écrire
facilement. Apres trois mois d’absence, je rentré de Nice ou, chaque année,
je garde un appartement d’une ancienne éleve, partie dans
un château de la Nievre, avec sa famille – pour le vacances. J’ai lu les
« Nouveaux mémoires intérieurs » de François Mauriac… c’est tres beau beau. Il
fait un soleil magnifique…
Vous me gâtez trop avec
cette nouvelle plaquette en anglais de Rodica… et votre bonne lettre ou vous semblez
accepter mieux votre solitude temporaire, laquelle se terminera bientôt, avec
les beaux jours de l’été 1984… Mais, a Bucarest vous ne pourrez plus exercer vos dons
littéraires et artistiques, comme a l’Academie Eminescu… Que ferez-vous ?... Vous avez
une grande activité en ce moment, avec les traductions, le roman « fourmis
blanches »… qu’est que cela veut dire ? et les enfants que vous
faites chanter. Ici, en France, c’est le désordre depuis que le gouvernement
est socialiste, des greves chez les postiers, dans les trains… toutes les usines
ferment : c’est la collectivisation – on nationalise tout, hélas… et ce
sera la misere pour bientôt.
Si je trouve des chansons
d’enfants, en français, je vous les envoie… Ici c’est la campagne… 5.000
habitánts. Chaque soir je vais chez une dame agée de 20H
a 8H,
au cas ou elle se trouverait mal, la nuit. Le 20 Octobre, a Rome, nous
avons eu une audience privée, du Saint Pere, Jean Paul II, dans une salle, au 5-eme, du Vatican.
Le 22, cétait le mariage en Ardeche, d’une niece Anne Marie Leblan. Il me reste un frere, 65 ans, et
j’en ai 68. Il est Minotier (de pere en fills) et a 6 enfants 3 filles mariées, sur 4… et
deux fils. Bon Noel, dans la Paix de l’âme et dans l’Esperance de revoir
bientôt Nana et Rodica.
Votre belle carte me
rappelle les deux voyages en Inde… celui du Nord avec Népal, et celui du Sud
avec Ceylan ! Félicitations pour votre merveilleux programme de septembre,
octobre, novembre et décembre, avec l’Exposition des dessins d’enfants – Joyeux
Noel… pour touts, avec l’Enfant divin venu pour nous racheter… C’est en Lui que
nous nous retrouverons tous en Ciel, dans la PAIX et la SERENITE enfin
Vous ne me parlez jamais
de votre santé… Ménagez-vous et reposez-vous quand il le faut. Tout s’arangera…
et les noblesse de votre idéal vous aide a suporter
l’absence temporaire… des êtres aimes… Ait-il froid a Delhi ?
ici, il gele, mais le temps tres sec est
agréable a supporter – avec le Soleil.
Vous allez quitter la
libérté Indienne. Serez-vous encore professeur a Bucarest ?
ici c’est calme… Il pleut chaque jour, la politique est mauvaise. Je vous
envoie la Sointe Vierge de Pologne, la priant de vous àider, de vous
réconforter, et de vous réunir avec Rodica et M. Alexandra qui s’ennuient de
vous. Avez-vous relu les 4 Evangiles l’un apes lautre, ou un
résumé ?... Bon Courage. Union de prieres.
Que la Vierge vous
encourage et vous protege.
Cela ne m’étonne pas qu’on
n’ait pas accepté votre démission. Vous avez un rôle irremplaçable, sachant
plusieurs langues, comme poete, écrivain, et défenseur de la culture roumaine. Mais
je comprendre votre grande tristesse de la séparation… C’est tragique, dans ce
monde si divisé. En France, cela va mal aussi. Tout est bloué par les gros
camions depuis huit jours : c’est une insurrection qui va tourner au communisme
hélas ! Ayons confiance en Dieu… envers et contre tout.
J’espère que ces lignes
vous arrivèrent avant le 8 avril… pour vous souhaiter un bon voyage et une
grande Joie de revoir Rodica et Alexandra, dans cette chère Roumanie, après un
exil de sept années… Mais je crains que votre santé ne soit pas très bonne…
Vous me paraissez plutôt déprimé… le physique agissant souvent sur le moral. Il
faut bien manger et regarder la côté positive de la vie. La nature est toujours
et partout très belle. C’est, avec la musique et la poésie, notre grande
richesse… Comme vous, je vis pauvrement, sans aucun confort, dans deux pièces
que mes amies appellent « cave » ou « réduit ». Ma seule
force est la Foi, un don tout a fait gratuit, et pour lequel on pourra remercier toute
l’éternité – et je voudrais le partager avec tous ceux que j’aime afin qu’ils
aient cette Joie intérieure, fait de paix et d’espérance qui permet de
traverser toutes les souffrances de la vie… Celui qui n’a pas souffert que
sait-il ?... L’essentiel est de se relever sans cesse, n’est-ce pas? Vous
aimez aussi « Le petit Prince » de S-T Exupéry. Rien n’est plus pur,
ni plus divin. Personne n’est inutile et a sa place ici-bas… Un poète et un
écrivain fait plus pour sa Patrie que tous les militaires du monde… C’est l’âme
d’une Nation, c’est sa mission, sa vocation… Qu’importe d’être parfois
incompris : « L’homme est un dieu tombé qui se souvient des
Cieux ». Un secret pour être Heureux : vivre le moment présent, être
dans l’instant, la minute actuelle… Ne pas regarder ailleurs… ni passé, ni
avenir… Carpe diem, disaient les Anciens. Rodica et Alexandra comptent les
jours et vous esperent de tout leur cœur. Courage, confiance et Vive la
Roumanie, vive toute votre famille.
Cher collegue, je suis
heureuse de voir que la réunion d’Aurangaband n’est pas oubliée.
Monsieur le Président,
Cher Collègue et Ami, Suite a notre précedent entretien, j’ai l’honneur de Vous
confirmer mon souhait d’être admis membre de l’Académie internationale
Eminescu, afin de contribuer modestement a une meilleure
connaisance mondiale d’une œuvre poétique colossale et au renom de la Roumanie.
Salut ami, j’espere que tu te
portes a ravir, et que le parc Cismigiu préserve ta
quiétude ! Il se fait que j’éprouve de plus en plus la nécésité
existentielle d’écrire.
Napoli, 13.II.’73. Gentile Signor Anca, la ringrazio dell’articolo che mi ha
inviato, la cui traduzione mi e stata mandata poi dal prof. Franco Lombardi. Sono contento che l’intervista sia
andata cosi bene e spero di rivederla quando tornera in Italia. Intanto la saluto cordialmente, suo Eduardo De Filippo.
Roma 22.2.1982. Cortese
Collega, il gentile invio della versione emineschiana « Epistola
Prima » e l’ipotetico invito alla discussione del Suo dottorato recano la
data di un anno fa (Nuova Delhi, 22.2.1981).
La risposta – a un anno di
distanza – Le dice che il pensiero non e venuto mai meno, se mi ha accompagnato
per tanto tempo, senza dileguarsi nel silenzio inerte dei fatti e dei
sentimenti destinati a restare senz’eco.
Le assicuro invece che il
lungo tempo trascorso non toglie nulla alla alla vivacita del moi
compiacimiento per quanto Lei e riuscito a fare, restituendo, attraverso la
lingua, il grande Eminescu alla cultura cui – mediatamente o no – il Poeta
tanto deve, sia della sua formazione spirituale, sia delle sue scelte
esistenziali. Mi tenga informata delle Sue iniziative, con la certezza di
procurarmi motivo di profunda soddisfazione : Lei sa quanto io sia legata
alla fortuna nel mondo di quel grande poeta, tanto grande quanto sfortunato.
Augurandole « spor la
munca » La saluto molto cordialmente, anche a nome dell’Amica cui fu
affidato il Suo risordo per me, la professoressa Evige Bestazzi. Mi abbia Sua
Rosa del Conte.
Gennaio 1990. Sonno certa
che Lei condivide il rimpianto ; ma l’nsegnamento resta ! Beneaugurando
R Del Conte.
Si è spento a Roma, all’ètà di ottantatré anii, il
filosofo e storico della filosofaia Franco Lombardi.
La mia solitudine è un
nano. La mia solitudine sfugge. La mia solitudine e un amante inimaginabile. La
mia solitudine e amica quando sono sincera e riesce a farmi vedere cose che gli
occhi non possono. La mia solitudine sa prendermi in giro : La mia
solitudine e la mia complice. La mia solitudine e quella di tutti. La mia solitudine
e la mia liberta. La mia solitudine è l'unico tesoro che ho e l’unica
maledizione. La mia solitudine e il mio peccato.
Daniela ti saluta e ti
abbraccia forte nano delle mille fascini, volutte, deliri e tenerezze. Io sono
una bambina che insegue ancora farfalle e aguilari per raggiungere una stelle
che possa illuminiarle e scaldarla in me c’e un grande scoglio io non so
credere a niente. Questo e il moi limite se un giorno riusciro a superalo….
Vorei rincontrarti e chedierti se ti piaccio.
Vielen Dank fuer Deinen netten Brief, den ich nun vor
einigen Jegen bekam. Please tell the person kind enough to watch after my
Library that I shall do my best to put together enough dddd prior to Summer to
pay for the costs of sending those books etc. over the seas to me. Presently I
am engaged as a half-time Teaching Assistant in the indigenous Dept. of Phil.
No Piles of Moloh, but tuition is waived & enough dough for chappatis &
dal is made available. Per post, I am available through the Dept. of Phil.,
University of Southern Illinois at Edwardsville, Edwardsville IL 62025, USA.
Your letter got inadvertently thrown away, so please write me again soon also
her name & address again. Could you also write to prof. Eliade concerning
my interests? Do you need anything from or on this scene? Best Wishes in the
Future for you and yours. One of these days, I’ve got to get epistolarily
ambitious enough to give your heavy perusal some tonal visualisations worthy of
your highest selfloudsilenteousness…
have the pleasure to inform you that I have decided to start publishing The
World Family monthly magazine from the month of August, 1981. I request you to
contribute an article or poem on world peace and world Government and also
please agree to be the resident representative of the journal at New Delhi. If
you agree I will send the visiting cards printed with your name and other
publicity material.
seems after going from here you have forgotten about us. Hell! Romania is a big
country but, Sirs, we are poor Indians. Please think about us at least
particulary nil except for the briefing that you did en route to Delhi from
writers are poor people, who have to give much time to earning a living and it
may be difficult for them to set aside previous work and settle down to answer
the questionnaire. There is a friend of mine, Prof. Margaret Chatterjee, living
next door to you almost in D2, 25-31, Probyn Road, a philosopher, as also a
poet and who may answer these questions from her own point of view, during some
of the leisure she may have between her lectures. There are other writers in
Delhi like Shri Sham Lal, 28-A, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi, whom you could
interview, with a tape recorder.
really wanted to stay at the university housing for many reasons, your presence
there being one of them, and probably proximity to Prof. Saxena and, of course,
to Prof. Chatterjee whom I respect ad infinitum.
time creation: I firmly believe that if the work is worthy of the name
‘Creation’ it transcends the time element it becomes the piece of Act although
I believe that the creation of our time must reflect the impact of our time
i.e. modernity, may be in the subtlest way.
Genius: Indian Genius if it is really ‘Indian’ does believe in the sanctity of
human life and complex nature of its problems. It also believes in the ultimate
success of life force and spirit; it believes in Arts like ‘Sculpture’ the
peace of soul, harmony of emotions, rather than (Commotion in life) such as in
Buddha & Mahavir. It believes in fiction & epics, heroes working for
ultimate truth and universal wellbeing. Truth, Beauty & Good are its
ideals, I would like to say is its only one ideal. Indian artist’s genius
breaths in Eternity and inhales all that, as good beautiful and true, not only
in its own past history, but history of the world and faces modern problems of
over-Sophistication and looks forward in the future also to take up its
challenges. May I stop here?
in the most sophisticated and advanced societies of the world, the poet &
his poetry would endure because it would continue to react with all his
spiritual strength & with his most complex medium of language would not
remain quiet over it, he would speak out.
novelist of tomorrow would deal with all the ‘tomorrowness’ as I would like to
call it, with the ‘uptodateness’ of the medium i.e. language which will be
able, I hope to deal with the most complex problems.
myth provides a springboard to a creative artist, a footing position from which
he can move here and there, within the limit and in that process itself, there
is an element of recreation.
must be a living throb in literature in a language which at once is artist’s
own and communicable to the reader of all times; About thought, I would like to
say that in creative writing, the thought does not predominate, it is rather
submerged in expression.
in art becomes ‘Thinking’.
prefer creative writing and also critical writing in literary art. I don’t
believe in the saying that ‘as science advances, poetry declines’. On the
contrary, I do believe that the present moment in scientific advance poses a
challenge to the artist who must take up the same and deal with it as he does
with any other problem, as a raw material for art.
Calcutta and Calcutta is odd man cut because it is the only city not in North
November 11 in 1928 he had lived as long in the twentieth century as he had
lived in the nineteenth, so he was born at midday on February 19, 1873, and at
midday on November 11, 1928, he had lived 10,176 ½ days in each century.
1, 1901 was a Tuesday. The day of the week for January 1, 2001, will be Monday.
There are 36,525 (365 X 100 + 25) days in this century. This amounts to 5,217
full weeks and six days. Therefore, January 1, 2001 will be six days after
Vous etes done né en avril 44, alors que je suis du 22.12.1914…
Deux guerres mondiales sont entre nous.
Tres portée sur
l’Histoire, j’ai lu la vie d’Anne de Bretagne, femme de Charles VIII et de
Louis XII et belle-mere de François Ier morte tres jeune… la vie,
a cette époque
n’etait pas plus facile… c’est toujours l’effort a recommencer
chaque matin.
Théodore Pallady est un
impressioniste de Ier plan. La jeune Valaque est théâtrale. « Comme le
monde est grand a la lueur des lampes, / Aux yeux du souvenir comme le
monde est petit. Voici encore du cher Baudelaire.
Mi rallegro in particolare
del fatto che tu sei ritornato in Europa e in Romania, ed il posto che ai mi
sembra anche buono. Adesso ci
potremo vedere piu facilmente tuo Franco Lombardi.
now I have come across with so many foreigners like French, German, Russian,
Italian, Dutch, English, Japanese, Korean and others, but I found some things
unique in you which I will remember till my last breath. I learnt so many
things from you, especially in the field of Art. It was my mistake that I have
not photographed you with your family during your stay in India.
is from your Ugandan friend MR. Joseph M. Mubim, alias MR. Musajjalumbwa. Since
you left India, I have done a great deal of writing. My articles in the
Newspapers and Magazines continue to come out. As a result that now more
Magazines have offered columns to me. I have to write for nine Magazines. And
two Dailies. It is a very big challenge since I have to do
this beside my book and of course more reading. I am trying very hard to get
funds to persue a course in International Journalism at one of the National
Institutes here. But the authorities say I can only join with foreign funds and
not on the basis of the good money now I am earning through my Newspapers
told you are going to Romania on 7th with a return in August. But yesterday when
we met I was surprised that you won’t be coming back because none of your work
is getting published in Romania and you are being turned into a stranger in
your country of origin. Your stay in India has been marvellous for the whole
set of literature and comparative literature and your „Milky Way”, your
„Latinitas” and more so „International Academy Mihai Eminescu” initially put
into thought process by you and then a little bit pushed forward by both of us
and now is having a roll of honour for many a person involved in it
internationally is the ground work which you have done here from an offshore
land. In Academic circle and in the circles of cooperation between India and
Romania it has indeed opened a new chapter such as „Max Miller” opened up an
avenue of thought exchange between Germany and India. Because of your active
support poets like Ion Iuga came in touch with the Indian circles which will go
in record for a long time now. I am amazed to see your „Geetgovindam” in which
Nanci has given marvellous illustration and dear you have done the most onerous
job of translating whole lot of the Sanskritized classic into Romanian through
English and Sanskritized Hindi original. Geetagovindam is a major work of
literary production and you have done the best cintecul after cintecul job and
in India. Rodica’s drawing opposite page 22 looks almost Sita in Ashokvatica
and Shakuntala carved in a lotus flower – and Radha it was, Romania it remains
because you already produced a „Good luck Radha” piece of a play in your list
stay here. I told Rodica that Radha drawn by her almost looks Romania in
features and Indian in dress and it is the chief attempt done to my own
knowledge of Indo-Romanian relations. I am happy that it is you who broke the
ice. You have received Baldev Mirza’s special number of poet „Agha” of Pakistan
published at Aligarh. It looks that its thick paper inspired you to use thick
paper for „Gitagovinda” published under your International Academy Eminescu,
Delhi, while you have already achieved a great expertise in printing it nicely
which shall be liked world over. I am also impressed by the Sanskrit version of
Mihai Eminescu’s Luceafarul which has been translated by Urmila Rani Trikha and
published by you under International Academy Eminescu using Rodica’s drawings
again. I hope both these works will stand the test of time and shall be
invariable quoted by the press and the friends alike. You have done it and
there will sponsor its memory in all hearts. Thank you for having given me one
copy each of these books which shall be a treasure on my bookshelf beside table
before sleep.
Carranza and I as well as others IAEWP members in El Salvador, have singled out
a few officers of the Association to ask them to write a letter to both
President Alfredo P. Cristiani of El Salvador and Lic. Cecilia Gallardo de
Cano, the Minister of Education in El Salvador. To save your time and to spare
myself from a lot of explanation I have drafted neatly for you to sign two
letters to be sent immediately to these two distinguished Salvadorian
government personalities. Hence, I am enclosing also two envelops already
addressed to both the Salvadorian President and his Minister of Education.
Please sign them, attach a stamp on the envelopes and mail them right away.
Thank you.
let me congratulate you for the good job you are doing as President of El
let me congratulate you for the good job you are doing as Minister of Education
in El Salvador.
are granting you general status without cost. Your credential for the year is
hope to demonstrate to the vanguard of Twentieth Century mankind a
Twenty-Second Century learning in a Twenty-First Century environment.
name has been brought to the attention of the Research Department of the International
Biographical Centre by Prof. C. Mercieca.
is always nice to inaugurate.
would be delighted to receive the manuscript for consideration.
et si vous le souhaitez, je vous nommerai a
un titre de professeur dans le domaine de l’anthropologie européene.
Additional reprezentative. Trustees of WCPA for 1992 and Romanian booklet of
yours which I can not read. But it looks impressive. You are welcome to Bangkok
and give some special lecture on education.
am not at the moment planning to visit Yugoslavia because of the civil war
there. But, when I do, I also want to spend some time in Romania. Then we can
have a very long talk about many things. For instance, I am not quite sure what
the connection is between India and Romania in your work, although I understand
that it is deeply philosophical and poetic. THE BUDDHA AND THE COLONIAL (or is
it Coronel?).
1992 sixth world Congress in Malta in the front part of my mind. God bless.
Copy: United States Secret Service Headquarters Investigation.
words that are used in our daily routine. Relations, colors, Interrogation,
persons. A fi, simple expressions, Conversation, Dictation, Vocabulary,
Masculine and Feminine, Opposite words, „caloianul”, conting days, parts of the
body, Danube, negation, „Noi avem castel frumos, ran-tan-tiro-riro-ran”,
singular-plural, Incurcatura play writer, neuter, poem by National poet „Mihai
Eminescu”. Peste varfuri, very simple outlook of the Latin language and its
comparison with Romanian, Salve, Tempus acquierendi et tempus perdente,
Vergilius father, Dante, Ante hominem vita et mors, bonum et malum, past,
present and future tense. Sunth lacrimae rayrerum / Sunt lacrim in lucruri /
that the things have tears in this we have discussed this philosophically and
with Eminescu writing, Luceafarul, „Glossa” – most of the students remembered
the first line of the poem „Vreme trece vreme vine”, how to answer the
question, these are practised from the Romanian booklet Edited by the „George
Anca” our teacher, story by M. Eminescu „Poveste Indica”. Opening the session
with famous national ballad „Miorita”. This poem is read in the Romanian, in
English and in Hindi from the translation of „Mrs. Urmila Trikha”. By reading
this poem one can observe that it is the real soul of Romanian culture, which
inspires not only the country people but also the foreigners. Because no one
can escape by realizing the tragedy of the poem. And the words are used in a
simple fashion. But by their combination the metaphors obtained are very
strong. On this day we only noted the metaphors and their comparison with
different characters, stories etc. Date? Study of „Miorita” and its metaphors
in detail.
to write the letter in Romanian and the matter in the letter in the simple
sentences. In class we have written a letter to the friend to give back the
book of our course.
this class we prepared ourselves for meeting a Romanian poet „Ion Iuga”. We are
preparing the questions for asking him. Here from which region he belongs? What
are the poems written by him? Why does he writes poet and not anything else?
etc. Those all questions we prepared in Romanian, because Mr. Iuga does not
know English. While preparing the questions we come across a word „Meglu” give
by our teacher. He told us the story that how a person of their country
explained that he discovered a word meglu from that gluma – „Joke”. So many
interesting events take place in the class.
of „Mr. Ion Iuga” in the class. It is a very novel experience for us. To meet a
person who does not know our language and we are also not frequent in his
language. Our class teacher act as a translator who translate our information
into Romanian and his views into English. The poems written by him are also
recited by him, Iarta, Pragul, Iesire din vis (book). It is very much
pleasurable to enjoy the poem by a poet in his own voice and observing the
actions. We asked the questions that we have prepared. Miorita is recited by
one of our colleagues in Hindi. We asked him that we can read it from the book
in Romanian. But he said that „I can understand by listening its rhythm and
observing the action”.
on the topic „Murinda Shiva” which was written by our „Sir" Announcement
of the programme broadcast at the radio on 22.2.83 at 7.30 P.M. on the short
wave band. Exhibition at the class teacher’s house, including the books of
Eminescu, Arghezi, Blaga, Bacovia, Barbu, Călinescu etc., Announcement in the
class, especially of the book „Istoria literaturii Române de la origini până în
prezent” by G. Calinescu. Poem „Rondelul orasului din Indii”. Reading and
translation of the poem into Hindi. Visit to the teacher’s house to see the
exhibition. There we recited the poems. Our teacher’s friend Mr. Iuga also
recited the poem. The photograph of the speakers are also taken. We read from
G. Călinescu's book, too.
was a cloudy day. It would seem to rain after sometime. A paragraph in Romanian
is written about the weather prevailing at that time and we translated it in
English. Few lines on the Asian game celebrations are also written in Romanian.
About Holi we discussed about the celebration and the colors that are generally
used and their significance. What is the story behind this celebration. In
addition to all this we have done 1-15 lessons from the book “A course in
contemporary Romanian”. Practiced the exercises given at the back of every
lesson. On every Friday we generally have a cultural activity based programme.
One of our colleagues would prepare a note on certain topic related to Romanian
culture. That was read by that fellow. After reading the discussion on that
topic was done. Which involves the clarification of many problems which arouse
in one’s mind when he/she was listening to that note. Some students read also
poems written by them. Our class teacher published so many booklet especially
Latinitas in which the names of many classmates of our class have appeared
because of their contributions, paper writings etc. from the booklets also we
read the poems to clarify our pronunciation. Meeting with Constantin Mateescu.
He was the first Romanian writer to class. Who came to India for celebrating
his holiday and to see his friend (Mr. G. Anca). Our teacher discussed with us
about his arrival and his visit to our class, too. Mr. Mateescu the novelist
was a very serious man. When he visited our class we met with so many of our
senior colleagues one of them was Urmila Rani Trikha, a lecturer of college.
Welcoming him in class by us. Then we asked him also many questions about his
professional, personal experiences, and life also. Our teacher has given us the
list of books (novels) written by him. Some of novels were discussed and read
by us with him. He was very much impressed by the students. Also checked our
pronunciation of Romanian. He also asked some questions from us. He answered
them in English and our teacher translated our matter into Romanian and trying
to satisfy him as well as us also. I think that such type of visits are very
important. From the knowledge point of view because in this way one can make
him in such a way to catch the language by the fluency. Especially from the one
who does not know our language.
the early course we got so many books, booklets, magazines and newspapers from
the teacher. And then after reading and noting some points we returned some of
them back to the teacher. But at the end in our viva-voce exam our teacher had
presented us many books regarding the poetry, novels, literature and about
their culture. These books remind us to retain the memory of language which we
have joined as a part time course. So many students of the class had taken this
course very lightly. They assumed that this would not help in their coming
future. But I took this course seriously. Because it was very much different
from my daily life studies In this way the feeling of probing of the other
literature, language from our own point of view like the comparison of their
culture with our culture etc. During the summer vacation whenever I got time I
read the books given to me by the teacher. As I did not know the language very
well I could not be able to get everything but I did not leave the reading part
which I could do. In order to require more knowledge for this language I was
encouraged by myself to take the diploma course.
on the Meghadut (Romanian version) which is written by Kalidas and its Romanian
translation was done by our teacher (G.Anca). In which he discussed with us on
the following words: Norul – clouds. Vestitor – Messanger (one who gives the
message). And he compared these words with the following lines given by M.
Eminescu: Trecut-au anii ca nori lungi pe şesuri şi niciodată n-or să vină
“Mai am un singur dor”. Teiul sfint like baniyan tree. Apele plang clar
inzvorand din fantane (i.e. clear water weeps from fountains as springs).
Quotation: Dumnezeul geniului m-a sorbit
din popor cum soarele soarbe un nour din marea de amar”. In this the
significance of nour and marea de amar was justified.
Al-George (Indologistic): Translater of Gita into Romanian. Classical
masterpieces and modern Romanian archaic and universal. Mare de amar by
Eminescu and Mare de-ntuneric by Lucian Blaga. Voronet Monastery is discussed
in detail, it is compared with Miorita valley in which the shepherd boy (hero)
is living. Because around this monastery also the montains and this is situated
in the heart of the valley whith three full natural beauty around it. Balkan Oriental Interludes. Cuvinte la Panini la
Saussure. Literar-neliterar, clasic-decadent, sunete-silabe-cuvinte-poezie.
Cultura Indo-Romana, Eminescu si India, Brancusi la Indore, Mircea Eliade in
Calcutta, Arghezi si Tagore, Fapte si comparatii. Limba romana - latinitate, caracter fonetic,
omogenitate; grai, speech, utterance: Moldovean, Transilvanian, Muntean. Bogatie Poezie. Parole – langue – sistem. Sincronie – diacronie. Semiotic
(Real measurable thoughts). Psiholinguistica. Analiza de continut. Generative
poetics, linguistics and the codification of terms. Dadaism (Tristan Tzara). Absurdul
(Eugen Ionescu). Protocronism (Edgar Papu). Persoana I (intai) in poezie, i.e.
(Personaj liric); Persoana a III-a in proza, i.e. (Personaj epic); Persoane in
teatru; realitate si inspiratie in creatie personajului – recunoastere,
modelare, caracterizare, surpriza, simpatie, infierare, Mesaj, receptare (post
biografie), auditor, cititor etc. Singuratate by M. Eminescu, comparison
melancolie / vers, soka / sloka. Rascoala by Liviu Rebreanu. Poezie – Poeti – Teme – Motive – Simboluri. Povestitori,
Romancieri – Structuri – Povestioare. Dramaturgi, Personaje, Actori, Dosoftei,
Catre Pace. Literatura comparata, including these pts.: curente, origine,
Morfologie, Hermeneutica; idei si forme literare; creatie – cultura – scoala.
Apus by George Bacovia. Geografie
lingvistica. This is studied by the different booklets having the photographs
of maps. And the word spheres in different parts of Romania. In this case we
have magazine type booklets of Banat and Maramures regions are selected by us
and the different words are picked up from the maps.
Origini. Crainic – Nostalgia paradisului; Mircea Eliade –
L’éternel retour. Lucian Blaga
– Spatiul Mioritic, Eonul Dogmatic. Spengler (German Philosopher). Vasile Parvan, Idei si forme istorice. Historical Personalities and
literary books ; Nicolae Cartojan, Istoria literaturii romane vechi;
Cartile populare in cultura romana. Polyhistors: Miron Costin, Dimitrie
Cantemir (18th cent.), Ion Eliade Rădulescu, M. Kogalniceanu,
Nicolae Balcescu, B.P. Hasdeu (19th century), Nicolae Iorga, Ovid
Densusianu, G. Calinescu, Mircea Eliade (20th century). Famous
novels of different centuries, like Rascoala and Ion by Liviu Rebreanu and
Geniu Pustiu by M. Eminescu. Etnologia primei
copilării. Imagini. The
manuscripts are read from the back of the photograph.
in International Terminology. Murus Dacicus. Calendar – sanctuary in Grădistea
Muncelului. Mining Trolley of Brad. Spoon-wheeled mill. Blast furnace at
Ghelar. Voronet blue. Vallachian bitumen. Moldavian method of making potassium
carbonate of wood ashes. Continuous firing-guns. Wallachian horses. Bacalogu
curvature. Portable self-feeding pen. Severeanu enartiectomy. Assaky tubercule.
Sabesies-Cantacuzino phenomenon. Great Romanian Experience. Marinescu – Sjorgen syndrome. Bordet – Ciuca reaction. Pancrein. Biospeclogy. Parhon
syndrome. Levediti – Manouelian method. Ilikibiology. Heracleum Carpatium.
Centaureea Carpatica. Silena pontica. Paeonia romanica. Asparagus pseudoscaber.
Silene lotriensis. Biological diodramas. Braunia Jassyensis. Lateral shifting.
Plant light relationship. Anaesthetic function of flower smell. Gryllotalpa / aneuploidy. Palade granulae. Palade fixer. Phreatobiology.
Metabolic defect. The birds’ gustative organs. Monocytosporeea.
Polycitosporeea. Camelus alutensis. Diapirism. Getic layer. Badenite.
Brostenite. Moldavite. Muntenite. Rumenite. Cobălcescu Island. Sinaia Cape.
Rosetti and Ureche rivers. Lahovary Mountain. Popper Paro. Glimee. Haret circus
on the Moon. Law of luminosity. Position of the Galactic Pole. Simultaneity
circles. Daimaca 1943. Teclu burning lamp. Longinescu constant. Edeleanu
refining procedure. Spacu reagent. Nenitescu syntheses. Niculescu calorimeter.
Hurmuzescu electroscope. Proca equations. Bohr-Procopiu magneton. Onicescu invariantive
mechanics. Vuia I plane. Multiple
telephony. Karpen diffusion. Coanda effect. Carafoli structures. Tifeica areas. Pompeiu functions.
Dalescu triangles. Barbilian geometrics.
memorizing rule enabling the first twelve decimals of the number
e=2.718281828469... to be known, by the substitution of the number of letter of
each word by the corresponding ciphres: "Pe numarul e / savantul il
stimeaza, / e academic / si formeaza / baza pentru logaritmi" (Number e /
is venerated by the wise, / it is academic / and forms / the base for
(34-62 A.D.): quia expedivit psittaco suum 'Chaere' / picamuque docuit verba
nostra conari? / magister artis ingenique largitor / venter, negatas artifex
sequi voces (Who helped the parrot to his own 'hallo' and taught the magpie to
try human speach? It was the belly, master of art and bestower of talent,
virtuoso for imitating ways of expression).
Maria del Chiaro (18th century): Mi ricordo aver veduto un giovine servitor
della Casa cantacuzena, il quale aveva cosi bene imparato a disegnar con la
penna che i disegni da lui fatti pareveno stampati in rame...
Miorita is usually sung by the people. It appears that it was written to teach
the common-falk in an agreeable manner, ethics and politics. One should always
listen to the voice of universal love and friendship or the little lamb,
tribal chiefs of the same country get united to kill the third tribal chief who
is more wealthy and who is very attached to the Voice of universal love. The
three chiefs are shepherds. The Voice asks the chief to run away from that
place i.e. the little lambs want to avoid bloodshed. She advises him to take
help from a hound or some big power. The tribal chief would fight for the noble
cause and says if he dies in the encounter his bones should be buried on the
spot so that the people of the country could know of this. Old mother and the
men are the old traditions. When they would come to know of this disaster they
would make up their mind to listen to the voice of love in the future. The
voice should tell he has gone to achieve some noble cause (i.e. bride). The
poet of this ballad, which is very popular among the Romanians thought that the
next generation would learn the lesson and follow the voice of universal love
and friendship. In order to get peace and prosperity stress is laid on the
relationship between Miorita and the tribal chief, her attachment and loyalty
to him.
glimpse of a similar theme is found in the Mahabharata where a destructive war
takes place between Pandavas and Kouravas.. The epic gives ample evidence to
indicate the horror of destruction even for the cause of the good. Arjuna is
not willing to fight his close relations even when is genuine need to do so.
The sermon of Lord Krishna urges him to fight it out. People think that Arjuna
ran away from the battlefield like a coward. This has the desired effect and he
goes all out to fight the evil forces and emerges a winner. (Urmila Rani Trikha).
In the Indian history that time came when armies of
Pandavas and Kauravas were arraigned against each other in the battlefield of
Kurukshetra. Riddled with doubt and uncertainty, Arjun sought Lord Krisha’s
guidance as in the course of action that he should take. This resulted in marvels
of Indian philosophy in the shape of “Bhagavad Gita” or “Song Celestial”. To
great extent, in post-war years, when values were at discount in West, the
conflict between individual and society in which he lived came to such pass
that existentialism assumed the task of finding some fulcrum to preserve the
human being. (Surinder Kumar Arora)
progress of the “Idea of Peace”. This was the topic of the lecture given by
Nicolae Titulescu at Cambridge University on 19th November 1930.
This lecture was delivered by him in English in academic style for an hour.
(Manju Arora)
Ghidionescu imagined education as a tree having three parts: pedagogy, or the
studz of the child (the root); experimental pedagogy (the stem); and
philosophical pedagogy (the tree top). (Ritu Nanda)
we have been knowing about Caragiale since last year when we joined Certificate
classes, we came closer to his work in Diploma classes. The reason for that
could be we were studying Mihai Eminescu’s poems, especially “Luceafarul”. Till
now we have studied some plays and skits thoroughly being now very much
familiar to such characters as Pampom, Iordache, Didina, Leonida, Mache, Lache,
Tache, Mitica, Pristanda, Dandanache and all others. Dandanache is very famous
among us because it sounds like Hindi word ‘dandanate’, a person coming rapidly
in angerness. We have enjoyed “Moftul roman”. We are very much keen to act
Caragiale’s on stage, but all the spectators can’t understant it in Romanian.
Could Caragiale be imagined without words? Surely not as he is master of
dramatic speech. We can say that synonyms are more than antonyms in Romanian
and Indian Cultures. Therefore we are trying to act on Caragiale’s work with
help of some Hindi words, in a manner that dialogues not to loose their spirit
and meaning. (Vimal Ray Talwar).
action of the Golden Bough (1933), one of Mihail Sadoveanu’s major novels, is
set in Byzantium, ‘Prelunci’ designates a place lying on the fringes of the
woods that shield the abode of Culi Ursake – the protagonist of the Bear’s Lye
(1938), the gamekeeper in charge of the hunting grounds provided by the wooded
Surianul heights overhanging the Frumoasei Valley and sprawling down to it. A
man who reached the mid point of his life’s path has got lost in a thick wood
and now he cannot find the straight way back. (Raj Bala Sharma).
Most Beloved of Men” comes out from last Marin Preda’s letters (before he
died), from his resourceful heart which was full of literary talent,
psychological vision about man and socio-political situation of his country’s
eventful history. In this present novel he showed his political structure of
mid fourties, when the People Councils were the supreme power in the country.
The security force had a slight doubt on anybody’s behaviour putting people
behind the bar for several years without even prove their guilt; this type of
situation I remember in the Pre-independent India when Britons were ruling
here. Marin Preda’s hero, Petrini, had suffered rigorous prisonment for three
years even the council & security could not prove anything against him.
When he came back, he had not been allowed to work as a professor even as a
teacher of a primary school. This reminds me about the prisoners, mainly
freedom fighters, in Pre-independent India, who were not allowed to work in any
Govt. Dept. (Provin Dutt).
a student of Romanian language in M.E.L. Dept.., I came to know the uses and
the abuses of Romanian language; relating the uses of Romanian one can easily
say its importance, we come to know different cultures, views so necessary for
world relations; regarding the abuse, the language is not so common, could be
controversial for who is a very new acceptor of it. We have however now a Hindi
version of the Romanian national song “Miorita”; Mihai Eminescu the national
poet, created a new sensation in the world; Mihai Sadoveanu is being translated
in different languages including Hindi; we’ve read Liviu Rebreanu and now we
are studying “Getica” by Vasile Parvan; we did celebrate Octavian Goga and
George Bacovia – “singur, singur, singur, / intr-un han departe’. Whatever
current views that I am having with this particular language in with the kind
and sincere help of our lecturer, Dr. G.Anca, who all his efforts and loving
nature maintance the importance of the language and gives us the beauty of it,
which we try to keep in our fertile imagination. (Chanchal Ganguli).
ever we think is not the limit, / There are certain other thoughts existing /
beyond our imagination. / As your mind has seven Guyanandris / but as far as
our knowledge is concerned / only five are working and others are active beyond
our thinking. So we should not have to leave any little thing because it may
have a great importance. (Sanjai Malhotra).
As it
is a European language newly established in India and very few people have
studied it, it is more mysterious to learn Romanian. Some people are crazy to
study French, German or Russian. But some are of the type to do something new,
having in their mind that this will help them in their future advancement and
encourage them to understand the new culture and literature intimately. In this
way one should be in touch with studies which are real food for human mind.
Romanian is an important Latin language. It is also a good secret language
because of its less popularity. From literary point of view the people of their
country are very much attracted by our Indian Culture. Their national poet
Mihai Eminescu had written many poems and stories on our culture like
"Poveste indica". The way to heaven from Himalaya discovered by the
Pandavas who went there after the Mahabharata battle is a mouth of paradise,
like in Miorita. By knowing this language is easy for us to understand these
people, their development and behaviour. Here it is good to spend one to two
hours of our daily routine to study the language as a part time education.
Which also is a good mental exercise. In this way we can increase our knowledge
enormously. It is found that every country has similar traditions that due to
the different environment conditions there are different ways of performing
them. (Manju).
A Ray
of Sunshine / could be seen / in their heart / with fulfilment of / their
desires. / Or could be seen their / emptiness in their / life-stone-life to /
hold together / with the same purpose. (Raj Bala).
you sense this venture is right? / I’m a student of history. I always wondered
what / Salome did with Saint / John’s head. Refuse. A Psychic told me to go
into garbage. / Since I’ve been recycling my own / She says I’m natural for
muck. / “Call it Green Waste”, she said. / When mentioning this to an elected
official, / She asked if I’d seen the new slick magazine / By the name. She
claims she spent two hours / At the mall reading it while waiting for her /
Yuppie shopping son. When he came to pick / Her up, he exclaimed, “Mom, other
women read / Cosmo or Vogue while passing time. How can I / Explain to my
friends you’re reading Garbage?” / When I told this to my curt 15 year old, she
said / It’s better that reading tea leaves. Considering / The environment, she
recommended my investing in / Vacuums. She senses there’s a lot more than dust
/ Flying around outer space. “Mamon”, she offered me, / “Who knows? You might
discover gold in one of those / Black holes. “She knows I’m serious about
garbage. (Mona).
Hound of Love. I sit placidly under a Christmas tree/ I ribbon packages with
colorless rainbows/ sweet as a lizard’s good morning/ I lick my loneliness and
smile / Overworked angry hope crabs/ down a lunging stair/disrupts out of
control/my voluntary simplicity/Ducking his furious lullabyes/I see poking
through his slippers/ toenails painted tangerine pink/I wonder if he is crying
/ Juggling Christmas balls / I run backwards through stars badly in need of
weeding / a refrigerator warns abandon hope/not to enter quicksands of jello /
gyrating in despair / Skimmed with bitter chocolate / and gilded with champagne
/ a bride’s chamber pot runneth over/ Terribly afraid of capsizing / I serve
tennis balls for breakfast /--my speciality—and am / laughed at for being house
proud / I stretch out / beside a drad fork and spoon/mangled by a man child /
practicing accidental murder./ I’ts cold systematically cold / He screams upon
his horn / he beeps me out into lipsore traffic / I flee him down nanoseconds /
blurbed, beautiful and besmirched / down sunglades summerish with light / down
seasons suspended with delight/where leaves gag and redden/and go boisterous
into fingerless winds / smelling of dusty disobedience / chorteling the
scurless milk of ages / Red light returning I give in / I give in to his huge
tearful embrace / The stones are soft / as we lie back / we count syllables / I
wonder / dare I smoke a cigarette / Lovlingly he turns / to me; He whispers /
that I mispronounce hegemony. (Elaine Svenonius)
(To Buddha) Whenever I dream of
you / a half burnt face / appears from Hiroshima /…/ No I can’t dream / I can’t
dream of anything (Baldev)
(The New Draupadi) They stood hot
before a mirror--/the woman having a right
man as her releaser / and the man feasting on her saree / whitch his mind’s eye
looked at a new Draupadi / in her many concentric sarees / one under the other
/ everyone under the other one / and also as Dushasana…(Motilal Jotwani).
you leave) it’s midnight now / there is non in the auditorium / only the clown
on the stage / his head bowed in the last
act / the lonely bird beats its wings / against the ceiling of the
godless temple / the penitent with his severed head / lies prostrate on the old
pavement / there is a queer kinship / between the end of life / and the
transient but lovely flesh / we’ll therefore be sitting in a row / the penitent
and the clown hand / in search of immortality at time’s last frontiers
(Jagannath Prassad Das)
(Jagannath temple). We heard the
story once again, the dream untimely / shortened so that the Lord and his
family ended up / with shortened stumps of arms and legs. / The central eye of
diamond had been stolen. / Three points where Sri Chaitanya had buried his fingers
/ in ecstasy. (Nilima Das).
I saw
a man / walking the road / he has a shadow. (Raj Gill).
Life-Chariot moves. / Shiva has squeezed a sponge over the sun and the last
flickers of hope die with it. / Useless petals of tears on the traveller’s cheek;
/ shrunk skin over bones like a shroud
on a corpse. (Sunil Kumar Bhattacharya).
– Said I. /He didn’t listen to / And seemed to be grieved. / Grief - said he.
Even I didn’t listen to / And falt myself aggrieved (Shyam Vimal).
L’affricaine connait l’astre chaleureux / qui illumine sa
terre et sanctifie son peuple (Bruno Uyttesprot).
I have spent an age in waiting / and shall still wait
till your past / and my present sink into a silence, / till from the fringe of
that silence / you come to utter a word / I am dying to hear (Manohar
now. / Let’s speak in silence. / The way of the sky, / The mountains, /
The Night. (Divik Ramesh).
falling They Love no Sense of direction No preference For any place No will of their own They seem To have
mastered The art of resignation of parting with A tear of dying Without a sigh
(R. N – Chopra).
and forgot to me is near; / Shadow and sunlight are the same; / The vanished
gods to me appear; / And one to me are shame and fame. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
the fascinating places we have seen, / The beauty we always thrilled to, / Like
the cascade of song falling from a startled Himalayan thrush / Perched in the
verandah, when we suddenly switched on the light, / Going out to post a letter
one winter night; / Above all, we remember the love we have shared. (Gertrude
Emerson Sen).
old man and the virgin girl are one (Surjit Kishore Das).
entry in my life has made me a bard (V.C. Nanav)
voila! Your flowers are ready! (T.V. Sairam).
I saw
men and wives (Manjushree).
girl preferred friends to be absent As they can’t bring her any present. (Ashok
nice to live in a multi-level house (Sheila Gujral).
all other ways are lost One seems to find one’s own. (Premendra Mitra).
you and the sea You are a creeper I am the tree (R.V. Pathak)
quiet breath will let me know (Trilochan Shastri).
the Bamboo grove’s dry rustle rasps on the ear (Kedar Seth Singh).
immense azure bird An immense azure eye(Kedar Nath Agrawal)
is no short cut to Nirvana (Nirupana Kaur)
I am
doomed to the naked scorching desert (Prabhjot Kaur)
let us fly, there is no one around here (Baldev Vanshi)
knew only how to fly the kite (Shalendra Srivastva)
yet amidst all this darkness There are still those left that trust thee (Girija
Kumar Mathur).
try and save yourself and a freedom as old as you (Girdhar Rathi).
Ashoka lays down the sword. Only Ashoka Was fighting (Srikant Verma).
the dark The voice changes many colours (Vukhbir Singh).
aged world of gods was dead before I was born (Ashok Vajpeyi).
sea assumes a lake-like calme (Alok Sharma).
Now I
will go To a village in distant Himalayas (Ganga Prasad Vimal)
Crucify all the sentences into words (Geeta Vadhera).
lies bleeding In fields of East and West (Krishna Srinivas).
drops seeds of new feelings (Indira Devi Dhanrajgir)
For the other divine for a newer God (Seshendra Sharma)
Thunderbolt, do not roar (Rasavaraju Apparao).
death in the darkest prisons (Cherbandaraju)
world is half calm, half stress, and fully schizophrenic (Vinod)
I do
not want your turbulent world (Laxmi Narayan Mahapatra).
me a butterfly in your garden O my gardener (Sachidanada Rautray).
Here no one loves anybody (Shiv Batalvi)
lived in a village in a Punjab corner Not far from Tarn Taran (P. Lal)
Unless he is non existent unless in shamed
despair (Rohini Gupta)
I am
a woman Suffering falling snow (Padma Sachdev)
mansion built away from maddening crowd (Tatiana Chaudhari)
Yuddha Kanda in burnt Lanka rebuilt by mason Maya after Brahma’s blueprint
lovelier than before Hanuman’s fire.
“Kisna-thamal re thamal apulya gai” – Krishna do look after your cows.
on midnight seeing Tara with a friend. Then, “Make love to me just for once and
save me”. “I have become a yogi now”. Zinda Kaul with Vedas Nirvana
Self-Recognition. “Thou are to man the truth, / To Yog its ecstasy, to Budh
Nirvana / The selfless self – to Vadan Thou art Brahm”.
Chand – finery – woe – orthodoxy – dowry – widow – stepmother - upsurgegilli
danada – supernatural - hypocrisy characters.
you are nothing but the word logos Khalik Khalak Khalak men Khalik God is in
the world and the world is in God. Kabir says this is a tale never fully told
she eats children and husband the unheard drum is sounding.
ancestors warriors for a hundred generations.
my Lilavati died after stainless spotless life of suffering… that sweetest,
noblest, holiest, unhappiest.
– Only he who considers the sorrows of his fellow-men as his own is worthy of
being called a man punyamugalavadu.
Valathol – Gandhuji in him unite
Christ’s selfsacrifice, Krishna’s skill in protecting Dharma, Buddha’s
non-violence, Sankara’s intellect, Ranthideva’s mercifulness, Harischandra’s
constancy in Truth And Mohammed steadfastness.
– This distructive wheel Is also the creative wheel; Look at the centre of the
wheel, Is Sri Krishna, The wielder of the wheel.
– in Tirupperunthurai of Vatha voor Lord
Civan Niver Voikai a Pendiyan Tiruvachakaur.
– Rajatarangini – this narrative of past facts – to compile – Banabhatta – The
Northern style is full of puns, / The Western favours only sense; / The
Southern with wild fancy reeks, / While the eastern bombast seeks.
– Radiant reality – The past lies dead before us and along with it our
past-made ego with its conditional consciousness becomes totally empty and
naked, a mere nothingness.
Aurobinde – I walked into Nirvana without intending it or rather Nirvana walked
casually into me.
Farid – Farid, revile not dust, there is nothing like it; When we are alive, it
is beneath our feet; when We are dead, it is above us.
Basaveshawara – Alas, alas, O
Shiva, there is No pity in you.
– Mahashakti then auspicious Shiva Mother, Mother, You’re drawn me To see you
6th century B.C. Buddhism and Jainism had propagated India and these
faiths were patronised by some of many rulers in North India especially in
Magdha. There were several kingdoms in North India but Magdha was the strongest
kingdom. Bindusara and mauryans like Chandra Gupta Maurya and Ashoka ruled
Magdha and, therefore, the Magdha emperors or kings patronised these faiths.
Chandra Gupta Maurya was the patron of Jainism, Ashoka was the patron of
Buddhism. Therefore, under the patronage of kings and emperors these religions had
gained a lot of popularity in North India. Of course, that does not mean that
this is the only reason for their popularity but this is one of the reasons.
The faith itself had an appeal because this was based on reason and not on
sentiment. There is another controversy. Some orthodox writers say that it is
the Kshatriya and Mahavira was also a Kshatriya. There is a theory that there
was a conflict between Brahmans and
Kshatriyas i.e. Vishwameters (kshatriyas) versus vashista (brahmans). There was
conflict for the supremacy and, therefore, this conflict had given rise to a
very interesting theory. Because of this conflict there was a greater patronage
for the theories advanced by the Kshatriyas and Kshatriyas in North India
patronised Buddhism and Jainism.
caste system was not rigid and was not in its form. In everything, there was a
flexible system. A person of one class could practise a profession of another
class. Therefore, when there was no rigidity, when there was reasonable degree
of freedom and knowledge, it was too much to think of this class conflict. You
can visualise class conflict in a different way. The Aryans were trying to
dominate non-aryans and they were jealous of it. Or the landlord classes were
mainly Aryans and the subordinates were tillers in the Vedic period. A clash
between the classes, the landlord and the business, the rulers and the
subjects, such conflicts took place even in the Roman history. There were
conflicts between masters and slaves. Some historian try to suppress this but
modern historians tell us that hundreds of slaves were massacred, slaves were
nailed to the crosses right from Rome to Sicily. So class conflict is bound to
be there but that is a fight for supremacy between Kshatriyas and brahmans and
because Kshatriyas propagated Buddhism and Jainism, it is a very thrilling
argument. But it does not stand true to the regular scrutiny of scholars.
Therefore if these faiths gained popularity, it was due to soundness of the
theory and at the same time the rulers had given patronage and they appealed to
them. Right from the Shungas times and then to Shatvahanas, Guptas, the Cholas,
the Palas, there are a number of dynasties where Brahmanism has been
patronised. At the same time, Buddhism and Jainism were also popular. There was
religious toleration. There was no religion persecution. During the Shunga
period, 200 B.C., Shungas patronised Brahmanism but the best Buddhist stupas
(Stupa at Sanchi) were developed during the Shunga period. Therefore, we find
the revival of the Brahmanism from the Shunga period. After the Shungas, the
Satavahanas adopted brahmanical faith. Till now the Aryan faith did not
penetrate much into the south but the Satvahanas accepted Brahmanism and we
find that it became popular in Deccan and South India and Sanskrit also became
popular. That is how the Vedic influences penetrated into the Peninsular India.
That is a landmark in the history of India itself. The idea of national
integration was inspired by Satvahanas when they spread the Vedic culture to
the south. That is the foundation for the cultural unification of India. There
have been different cultures in the history. All common culture developed in
the historical times. Formerly, the life and the ways of life were different in
the North and the South, different types of culture existed in the two regions.
A common way of life in India has been cultivated through centuries by
different forces and reasons. And unless
strong efforts are made even now to maintain this cultural unity of India, to
maintain this emotional and social cultural communion was not built up and that
is why Pakistan came into existence. Why Jinnah was a success because we failed
to bring about a communion between these two communities. Therefore, cultural
life is a process and is the result of an effort. Unless every effort is made
to strengthen the unity of India to bring about the cultural communion between
the different communities of India, do not think the unity of India will remain
like that whatever our foolish policies are.
ruled India from 4th century A.D. to 7th century A.D. (at
least till the end of the 6th century). Their rule was very
powerful. They were the strongest and most powerful emperors in India. What is
their contribution to cultural process and what is the state of culture during
that time?
It is
called the golden age in the Indian history. No one has bitten the record of
Guptas. They had complete political unity in a large part of India. Unless is a
political unity, there can be no cultural growth. Without peace, there is no
progress. They brought peace and stability to India and they were also the
wisest rulers. We have a series of wise rulers i.e. Chandra Gupta, Samudra
Gupta, Sikand Gupta etc. Many of these wise and powerful rulers had a long life.
Rulers long life contributes to political stability. Shastri was a tried leader
and as a democrat he was shaping the things in the right track. Jawaharlal
Nehru, whatever may be his drawbacks, was a very capable leader. He has put
India on the map of the world. Every man’s policies can be criticised. Who is
perfect in this world? Many Gupta rulers had very long life i.e. they ruled for
forty years. During their reign, we find cultural progress in India. The
commerce and agriculture of India was in sight. India was exporting to Asia and
South East Asia and she was the most prosperous international trader in the
world. Culture always follows commerce on the road. India was the biggest
exporter. The spread of Indian culture outside India reached its climax during
this time. During this time traders went to South East Asia and the Indian
culture, architecture, sculpture, literature, music etc. were appreciated and
adopted in SE Asia and in several parts of Asia.
best form of appreciation is imitation and Indian culture was adopted. There
was complete religious toleration. The Gupta rulers gave grants to men of all
religions. The Nalanda was a Buddhist university but liberal advances were
given by the Guptas. Brahmanism has adopted itself to the changing conditions.
The Guptas were Hindus i.e. Vaishnavites, worshipers of Lord Vishnu but they
gave liberal grants to Buddhist and Jaines.
university was a huge set up near Patna with 10,000 people living in the campus
of Nalanda, students, teachers, etc. So even the ancient Indians knew the way
of organizing and running large scale housing. It had international reputation.
Chinese buddhist scholars came to India to study at Nalanda. Hieun Tsang upto
Ranchi and Assam. He had written letters through travellers and a book is
published which shows how affectionate his feelings were. He had come to India
against the wishes of the emperor of China
by crossing the border of Central Asia. However, when he went back, he
was received by the emperor.
encouraged not only the commerce and education, but the best literature was
produced in that time. India produced Kalidasa in the 4th century A.D. who is
still an outstanding man. He is a Shakespeare of India. As a matter of fact,
Shakespeare was a Kalidasa of England. Shakespeare lived 1200 years after
Kalidasa. If India has produced a scholar 1200 years before Shakespeare then
Kalidasa is doubly great. In Gupta period a great Sanskrit literature was
produced. Kalidasa wrote several books, poetry and great kavyas. He was a
genius. He had a wide knowledge of Indian geography - Megh Sandesha. He had a
wonderful knowledge of political conditions of India. He was a great diplomat
because Chandra Gupta II had sent him as the Ambassador to Ceylon. He was a man
of great aesthetic sense because in his writing you get the whole world of the
Gupta period. We get a graphical insight into Kalidasa. Thus he was the
greatest man of the age, and that is the greatest of the Gupta period.
are produced by the time and the political conditions of the country. A Ghandi
was produced only in India. Germany only could produce Hitler. The
circumstances and the historical forces, all these contribute to the creation
of man. It is scientifically wrong to think that man fell from the heaven. Men
are created by the soil, by the backround of a country - by the genius and soul
of the country. During Gupta period, a tremendous growth of social and cultural
life took place. A large number of Ajanta caves were developed during that
period. We find almost all the Puranas being re-written and popularised during
the Gupta period. Actually the revised and enlarged editions were issued during
Gupta period.
- most of them have their origin from the Guptas. The Dharmashastras as we understand
today are the law books of Hindus. Lot of literary development had taken place.
Gupta used Sanskrit as their official language. (When Israel can afford to
adopt an ancient language like Hebrew as official language, why India cannot
Sanskrit as the official language). Guptas issued their royal decrees in
Sanskrit and the Gupta rulers themselves were the Sanskrit scholars. Samudra
Gupta is called the Napoleon of India. Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya was spending
a lot of time in listening to Sanskrit discourses. There were nine scholars
during the Gupta period i.e. one in medicine, one in astrology and several
other subjects and sciences, the greatest in each branch of knowledge. All of
them lived in the court of Vikramaditya but all them were existing during the
length and breadth of the Gupta period. (Rita Bagachi )
the sixth century B. C. , two great religious leaders emerge in Magadha.
Vardhamana, beter known as Mahavira, the “Great Hero”, is identified with the
religious system of Jaina, Jainism, and Siddharta Gotama (Gautama) – more
simply the Buddha relics of the Buddha, found within an inscribed receptacle
taken from a Buddhist stupa, or relic mound, have proved beyond doubt that he
really lived. These bits of bone and ash are now carefully preserved at
Sarnath, near Banaras.
know that the historical Buddha was almost certainly born in 563 B.C. and died at the age of eighty in 483 B.C. But
legend says that he was preceded, like Mahavira, by a long line of great
beings. Twenty-four previous Buddhas had each made a great resolve to become
perfectly enlightened, and then, as a Bodhisattva - one destined to become a
Buddha - had striven through countless lives to do good and to acquire the
Buddha qualities. In exactly the same way, Siddharta Gotama is said to have
been born again and again, before his historical appearance on earth. He had
been born as a monkey, a lion, a tiger, an elephant, a deer, a jackal. He had
been a rat, a fish, a lizard, a frog and a snake. He had been crow, peacock and
woodpecker. He had been potter and smith, gambler and thief, king and king's
son, ascetic and Brahmin. But in each of his previous lives had performed some
noble act of self-sacrifice, and had journeyed a little farther along the path
to Buddhahood.
it is said, as a result of accumulated good deeds, he reached the Tusita Heaven
of those destined to become Buddhas. Considering carefully the conditions for
his birth, he chose Kapilavastu as the country, Suddhodana of the Gotama family
of the Sakyas as his father and Maya as his mother. Then he descended from the
Abode of Bliss, in the shape of six-tusked white elephant, bearing a white
lotus in his silvery trunk, and entered the womb of Queen Maya as she lay
asleep on her couch on a day of full moon, during the midsummer festival. When
Brahmins were summoned to explain the queen's strange dream, they prophesied
that a son would be born, who, if he lived the household life, would become a
universal monarch, but if he retired from the world, would become a Buddha and
roll back the clouds of sin and folly of this world.
due time, in the pleasant grove of Lumbini, not far from Kapilavastu, Queen
Maya gave birth to her child, and in the selfsame moment were born Yasodhara,
afterwards to become the mother of Rahula, his son, his faithful groom Channa,
his horse Kanthaka, his playmate Kaludayin, his favourite disciple Ananda, and
the sacred Bodhi tree, under which he was to receive illumination. When he was
five days old, the child was named Siddharta, "he who has achieved his
aim". On the seventh day, Queen Maya died and he was given into the charge
of his kindly aunt Queen Maha Prajapati. (Gertrude Emerson Sen).
hindrances to enlightenment - lust, greed and delusion. Nine fetters of the
mind - covetousness, ill will, anger, deceitfulness, jealousy, obstinacy,
arrogance, vainglory, heedlessness. Ten perfections - generosity, goodness,
renunciation, wisdom, firmness, patience, truthfulness, resolution, kindness
and equanimity.
religious life does not depend on the dogma that the world is eternal; nor does
the religious life depend on the dogma that the world is not eternal. There
still remain birth, old age, death, sorrow, lamentation, misery, grief and
despair, for the extinction of which in the present life I am
things that I know, but have not revealed, are greater by far in number than
those things that I have revealed. And why, brethren, have I not revealed them?
Because they are not concerned with the holy life, they do not lead to
ye monks, like as the great ocean has but one savour, the savour of salt, so
has this religion and order but one, the savour of renunciation."
men tremble at punishment, all men fear death; remember that you are like unto
them, and do not kill nor cause slaughter."
fault of others is easily perceived, but that of oneself is difficult to
perceive. A man winnows his neighbour's faults like chaff, but his own faults
he hides."
than matted hair and ashes are truth and discipline."
one overcome anger by love, let him overcome evil by good, let him overcome
greed by liberality, let him overcome deceit by truth."
by hatred is hatred quenched; by love is it quenched. This is an eternal
Lotus Sutra
Nothing understandable in human uttering total
suffering Eminescu's poetry reprohibited.. Doing nothing under doings of
nothingness Compasion by madonas birth murder Buddhist You left by tea the
interlude of silence Waters unrained liquidify my brain in tear of healing in
the distance Thick skin of long live total suffering Call the man rarely by
miracle untied suffixation a linguistics of partial flaming Language corpses
alike don’t cry for mother tongue See the day in fame of brothers and sisters
dreams unremembered density in absent growth late compassion writer Already
mistaken only error creates mystical wrongness of genuinity You’re a stomach
like me you’re a bullet past to Anacreon verse never seeing you again Verena
Cold letters imagine new generations of love ubiquous goodness of substitution
of any unhappy with a happy beast Buddha’s retranslated sorrow cleared pleasure
of mortification standing prayers Like Tristram never unto the Buddha
prescribed on falling temple of an intention fiction Pure room for washed
superstition give dime song orpheline to Friar colonel’s avatar Stay on the
cross of cancer her mother was Shakespeare her father killed Eminescu on street
Things upward characters letters from themselves as boddhisatvas alive how
didn’t I think of dead letters Quotations vastly pirated as addressed to self
in reply to their would-be novels This plot then what you wrote me becomes mine
as what I’ve written to you becomes yours my mistaken creativity for your
written line Suppose I suffered of aids paranoia leper you answered sorry well
so sorry Georg my writing through your unreality We’ll manage relation between
our ghosts diversion-diversity like in politics no mention how cheap losing all
You write a letter if lick you receive one to another already written put it in
the chain of fate of the Buddha before and after daring to make a step of
pre-assassinated imagination by letters you disappear from sight of killer
Silent reapproaces to be born by this your
mummy you say she says I say nothing I write to letters from the Buddha
Absurdity of being makes sweet mistakes in English for the use of abortions far
away from first mother Brains picked by illusions of hell healed well syntaxis
banned by the writer himself So much
worse covered liberty full life
beauty of ebulient mediocrity lazy analysis of mysteries Depicting dilemmas of
mediocrity by cerebral programming Ion can know the day of his death rewritten
drama from outside of outness If you feel dying everyday death bored like you
murdered by birth children Christ boom pushed out of religion our generation
Adjusted heart to trembling lovers inner too many and the sameness of all
things far from competition back expedition Be wise in any language death
journey unto the unchangeable jumps temples forests Eminescu No matter of
language no matter of meaning no matter of faith Back to the springs in wasted
fire places of ancestors Old are the glories newcomers test backing progenitors
schools at night banks of unlegended rivers Fishing solitudes enlarged by
prohibitions then democratized vices ordered by same trumpets on slim cows
hours Families upstairs waterless divorced hysteria happy separation you mother
unhappy as long as she was with your father Adultery partially note-book using
to teach poetry to the fatherless children and loving their mother until one
night Old man counting their former loves to get asleep surely forgetting one
if many inventing one if few First
thing accomplished you'll be dead for
any other so happened better with Zagreb poem
expiated by love cathedral Everything you have to say is for yourself
what do you say others is from them keeping you ready to serve slave Don't
suffer again to be not heard not by you you are the worst with yourself at
least a selfkilling recognition Deadly beauty attracting rejecting anathemas
look at sunshine during dark winters let memory embrace departed statues For
you don't exist your life belongs to mother and father your death belongs to
son and daughter all unhappy for you And you my father Dylon dies at Eminescu's
39 the quacker Netty met him she said I look like him I was younger on Cavalry
Lines sung once in a vision of professors all around personal anthropology of
today No need of decisions in favor or against your killer we had some good
times to remember or suffer for past Clarifying mature claims of real solitude
betrayed glamorously at any sound as you need only pity Why not heavier
compassion for abstractions people hidden agonizingly most of people do not
kill their fellows as they also gave birth to them parents die first to show
the path First shadow faced especially
of beauty of death you love your killer you kill your lover Getting born die
for nothingness doing anything to renounce to anything see revolutions' dead
nothing By suffering I understand mainly to be happy alone and all unhappy
alone together the pleasure to die other's death other's life as this country
will grow or will die Messages from dead in an ending topicality unsharable
over imaginative conscience clever entrance into a story alike Japanese
symmetry nothingness to time of growth Indeed the givers are most unknown
answer me what am I writing about now you go to India meet your acquaintances'
letters Somebody doesn't like asking about a distant love to return colonel's
ash night snow answering in a logical symbol of preawakening dream As a signal
that that is the answer I'll get
brusquelly the psychologist fights the colonel incognito ghostly action by
direction Eastern paper from death rewritten catalogue with therapy in
paraverbal Buddha memory scale it wasn't The woman of Greek came to you and
you married her then the woman of Gypsy came to you now the woman of Russian
Those women arrived to the dead man death mailing cathexis from East The girl
makes eyes under water stores downer stones giving gravitation The psychologist
gives up subject before ending story he says much more to be get by programming
nothing nor writing for writer agree not asking about India Father doesn't move
the novel of himself killed daughter if I write it if wife carried order in
sleep Lost soul and death from time to time in small agenda ants colonel run
Anta quiet killing herself honor to die to be killed leaving a living father to
write a novel He was from many brothers his life a love poetry just take Buddha
as poet Eminescu imagine indeed how lonely Eminescu was saying: I am a Buddhist
Looking and so much better doing bodies embodying cold morning snow between
bones do not cry try sadness of unsimilarity clear immutability of nothingness
Time will grow apart other speak how to speak letter unreading long entrance
into askesis Montecarlo girl would reappear Buddha hot floor white letters.
know how long your life is o Brahma said the Buddha radiance surpassing
radiance good my friend is generosity but a verse of truth is better formerly
good people with understanding attained Nirvana The forces have the nature of
cessation All beings in the world will discard their bodies just as this
teacher without an equal in the world Birth renunciation Enlightenment teaching
Parinirvana last look at city Who is a stranger who is one's kinsman kinsmen
are seen malevolent strangers benevolent in time past your kinsman was a
stranger to you in a future time a stranger will be your kinsman in this world
no one is dear to anyone the universe is related to cause and effect a painter
attached to a woman he had painted birds from life to life strangers and
whole universe is kindled with disorders old age and disease and death there is
no country where those dangers do not apply where this body goes unhappiness
follows there the unborn trees are not shaken even when terrible winds are
storming as long as a man has desire in
the world so long though flourishing is always poor
Eminenius new-aged Parinirvana via Rosicrucians in Findhorn illiterate witness
shouted at masque up to statues sculptor's hands smaller and smaller words poet
run solely golden shine of sounds.
Venice after Rashomon screening a hasty search was made for someone who looked
Japanese and the coveted prize was handed over to an obliging Vietnamese. It
was said fire is not fire because does not burn itself precisely because it is
not fire is truly fire because it burns everythinghood. Abe continues that God
who remains as God apart from the world is not a true God but God empties
himself and takes the form of a man and nature. Does nothing distinguish
sunyata and God?
voice you have are you not somehow forest’s mother having lended the voice of
some fairy to come for seducing the ghosts Ah look how Pasteur looks like
Maiorescu! And you look like Kant! Great man! I studied at him, at Heidelberg…
Please do bring me all volumes… I look like Schiller and like Faust, Goethe’s,
I’ll kill myself… So did also Hamlet! Great man is Shakespeare!… What
tragedian… But Kant!… Where can you find a Kant any more! He died at 1885!… I
will speak with him! Yes, I’ll kill myself like Hamlet!… I will turn my life
into nothingness and my blood into wine of Dragasani!… I to die!… What a great man is Kant!…
am a Buddhist. Being not simply Christian but a Christian at tenth power.
poet learned love singing after philomela, despair from storms, and sorrow from
the smell of flowers on the grave of saints. The music isn’t any than Romanian
language put on music. Romanian language
born on notes, Romanian language sung in waters, the country of a fairy.
is said how gods never remain unknown, ever a golden light surrounds their
forehead and being.
toga in the hands and asking again peace or war in vain torturing your soul
sorrow joy glory nothing nothing.
eternal peace and since then sorrow, only sorrow there is in this world.
of a witch, would you care don’t kill me entirely, would you leave me to live
one day more?
earth the genius is unhappy and cannot make anyone happy on earth, he has no
death, no luck either, even his name escapes the night of oblivion.
years my all life as long as I will live.
Buddhism Khagiur Asian nihilism Nirvana. My ideal is Nirvana, Euthanasius’
Island nibbâna destruction of old age and death Kalidasa’s wife visiting card
bha dha tha.
you go to India at 33 and simply want to state I wish I were a Buddhist as
Eminescu did. In foreign utterance thirsty disappearance of possibilities
claimed real negativity. Christ in levitation after Buddha’s enlightenment on
the balance to see how much their return deshumated the poet. Water is there
something passed again to mineral crown at large quantity used for heaviness of nirvana, immeasurable
Nirvana energy after light enlightenment to acknowledge friends’ nothingness.
Time sideward as for getting asleep and you already dream an empty universe.
the shore of delusion to the shore of enlightenment the first paramita is the
offering of alms the second observance of precepts the third is forebearance
the fourth is assiousness the fifth is meditation focusing one's mind and
contemplating the truth with a tranquil heart the sixth is obtaining of wisdom.
Nachiren Daishonin wrote to Lady Nichiuye: Never seek this Gohonzon outside
yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary
people who embrace the Lotus Sutra chant Nam-myohorenge-kyo. Although
one accumulates many existences, the essential reality of life neither
disappears nor changes. Through the eternal cycle of birth and death, a person
accumulates a variety of karma. Yet even through this series of births and
deaths, the essential reality of one's life never changes. It exists eternally.
When, through our faith in the Gohonzon, we draw the essential reality of
Nam-myoho-kyo from within this life time.
Lotus Sutra teaches that although all phenomena in the universe are
impermanent, the ultimate reality permeating everything is eternally constant.
Furthermore, it teaches that the ultimate reality is not separated from
individual phenomena... Buddhas do not differ fundamentally from common mortals
who dwell in the nine worlds (from Hell to Boddhisatva); they are essentially common
mortals themselves. The difference between Buddhas and common mortals lies in
enlightenment to the ultimate reality. Since the truth remains
"concealed" from common mortals in their ordinary wisdom, they have
no recourse but to follow the Buddha's teachings.
sutras expounded before the Lotus Sutra asserted that the man of Learning and
realization were eternally incapable of attaining Buddhahood. The Lotus Sutra
revealed that even those of the two vehicles can become Buddhahood without any
exception. We
can be identified in the innermost depths of our lives as the original entities
of the Mystic Law. We are born as human beings on this planet and, as followers
of the Boddhisatvas of the earth, dedicate ourselves to the spread of the
Mystic Law throughout the world. T'ien'-t'ai/Buddha's
ultimate teaching as revealed in Lotus Sutra: to realize that all phenomena, or
the three thousand possible conditions, are integrated in the life-moment, and
that Buddhahood is inherent in all life. Returned
are some tunes in Academy Eminescu when no chance than rebirth. Three days
Japanese Lotus small simulteternal beauty little death in Parinior Parinirvana.
Time found for everything and for our gathering unto Buddha also by letters
received from Vinod Seth, Nilima Das, Anna Mathai, Margaret Chatterjee, Peter
Hook, Mona Toscano, Mary-Ellen Chatwin, Carmen Hendershott, Norman Simms,
Elaine Svenonius, Jeane Leblan, Rosa del Conte, Fernando Tola, Dorje Gyaltsen,
Robert Cunninghame, Madan M. Kashyap, Suraj Bhan Singh, Marek Kejna, Jorgen
Lauresen Vig, Andrei Simic, Marie-Claudette Kirpalani, Eduardo de Filippo,
Marusca Francini, Daniela Palermitana, Garry Bach, M.S. Narayana, N.Y.J.S.
Wadalia, Mulk Raj Anad, N.K. Pandya-Ushanas, Franco Lombardi, B.S. Latwal,
Baldev Mirza, Musajjalumba, Joima B. Ramirez, Bruno Uytersprot, Frank Starr,
Kanta Kamlesh, Prachoomsook Achava-Amrung, Charles Mercieca, John Zitko,
Gertrude Emerson Sen, Ernest Kay, Wilson Barrett, Anthony Phillips, Rodny
Daniel, Philip Isely, William L. Nucklos, Manju Arora, U.R. Trikha, Surinder
Kumar Arora, Ritu Nanda, Rashmi Setia, Vimal Ray Talwar, Raj Bala Sharma,
Jagannat Prasad Das, Motilal Jotwani, Raj Gill, Manohar Bandopadhyay, Divik
Ramesh, Sheila Gujral, Ashok Beri, T.V. Sairam, V.C. Manav, Surjit Kishore Das,
R.M. Chopra, Ksemendra Mitra, R.V. Rathak, Trilochan Shastri, Kedar Nath Singh,
Kedar Nath Agrawal, Nirupana Kaur, Baldev Vanshi, Shalendra Shrivastva, Girija
Kumar Mathur, Girdhar Rathi, Srikant Verma, Sukhbir Singh, Ashok Vajpeyi, Alok
Sharma, Ganga Prasad Vimal, Geeta Vedera, Krishna Srinivas, Indira Devi
Dhanaiajgir, Seshandra Sharma, Asavaraju Apparao, Cherbandaraju, Laxmi Narayan
Mahapatra, Sachidananda, Rautrau, Shiv Batalvi, P. Lal, Rohini Gupta, Padma
Sachdev, Tatiana Chaudhuri, Rita Bagachi...
Buddha through letters over Joycian-Rushdian matter-of-factness, also Emdha,
Elaine, Lalage emptied eliptical sampling. Chinese diplomat learned here we
meet the Former, the Middle, the Buddha of the Latter Day, American Emb. No
literary agent, British Emb. No money, Scottish Pentlant always conscious of
the time and effort which authors have devoted to their manuscripts and
concentrate on producing for them books of the very highest quality... the
first part of, The Buddha, which looks extremely interesting... regardless of
the literary merits of, The Buddha, would require you to provide the financial
investment for the publication of the book. A Buddhist teacher in Pomirla grew
with family, after hundred years, in the hall no.2, he and his friend Eminescu
loved two women friends, Eugenia and Veronica, who changed letters of
mondenities, apparently, lost ones. Both poets wrote better about the sea and
everything paradise-hell before seeing them. Liviu looked after Alecu Ghica in
Puri after colonel's orders checked from Los Angeles by Andrei from colonial to
coroner. Keep on Buddhism, baba, Indian. A reply to proposition
Orchid. Moon-talk. You - talk to me. I - want to but can't because you talk all the time. You - like me? I -
yes, but now the sun has sat. You - the moon is out. I - round like Om and
carrying a silver sound. You- it says no. I - no? Of course not Om is always
yes the sky is marble. You - and marble says no. I - cold. You - we'll make it
warm. I - in the sky? You- in the
branches of the trees. They'll cradle us to sleep. I- it will prickle me to the
death. You must be Thanatos. You- Om Om if you like. I- the sound will send me
into a trance. You- you can have a tranced sleep. I - a sad sad sleep sad a
marble and ending too soar like a coffin or a saint better to die into it. You
- no don't die we'll revive it again like a new day the orb of moon becomes sun
solar cycle lunar cycle become each the other. I - you are my sun you light up
my day it's only at night that. I'm bewitched stunned and moonstruck You - let
me take it away with Surya I - your surya will consume my precious lunar Om,
it'll stop singing and I'll be lost You - you'll be found your lunar Om will be
held in the palms of my hands I - like an egg? You'll shelter it? You - I'll
worship it I - You won't annihilate it so that I can't breath any more? You -
I'll release your breath so that it comes back to you warm and vibrant and you
can sing so that the mountains I - crush You - regenerate and the trees become
greener. I - their sap is clearly dying green blood our life-giver their breath
is already stale I can't breathe any more I spin spin in sheer tiredness
Together - So we'll hold ourselves together our souls will sing ours, lunar and
solar and we'll sing together I - bring your face nearer it seems to be
disappearing closer closer I can't see you some mist is swallowing you up NO
you have disappeared oh no you are lost behind the mist with the sun you dipped
your head and I'll wonder all the dark hours searching till I find your arms at
dawn At dawn your arms will translate into branches your voice into the
cacophony of birds your body into mountains: I'll be left only you will have
found yourself. Already the agony of being left is steeling my blood into iron
I have become a robot by your wish and now all round me I see furniture carpets
arms and legs everything that isn't you I have my pets my birds I have the
light astride they have become you they have to in the morning in the morning
at night I still have the moon. Om chand chanda Om Chand Chand I have only you
when he goes as he must and the sky is all marble there is only you. You - so
I'm here after all. I - oh you gave me quite a shock I thought you'd gone long
ago where were you? You - I was laughing behind the yellow curtain. I - I
thought you had gone for ever. You - that is your obsession I am always here I
- in my Om in my arms. Together - You never go away we are one in your other
and all is Om.
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