luni, 20 februarie 2012

Budai's Vlad the Impaler (2)

Translation by George Anca
From Canto 3

And, since the hour Vlad Vodă king sat
Ruler of Muntenian affairs
The foreheads of discord have been cut,
Political order and military cares
Measured after country's character,
In short time have been going better.

Those out of the boyars being abhorrent
And not wanting to follow the drawn up laws
Have fallen under terrible punishment,
Saying that they are to enlighten those
Others with good exemplification
And be the first to obey legislation,

For, if dutiful listeners of law
Will be only the poor and villains,
What the country will become after all?
A country that is of wolves and lions
Which staying in their dens chattel/lairs
are sucking the blood of hidebound cattle.

He said that the boyars are subjects
To the kingdom just like peasants any,
Moreover being them all in success,
Not only with the counsel and money,
But with the head itself would be in debt
as champions the country to protect.

Thus was Vlad speaking in the divan
and at whatever kind of get-together,
Adding that any one, be it peasant,
town dweller, boyar smaller or greater,
If mixture will have with foreign tongue
          He will pay by head the murder in pang.

Therefore he cruelly punished those
Who over motherland made hidden bets
And had with the Turks some mingling nose,
Or with any other foreign states,
Allotting belongings and estate land
To defenders and sons of motherland.

Through this he introduced a new chapter:
On big wrong actions and robberies,
Through established code of laws apter,
Put special and heavy penalties,
Out of which the most habitual
Was the stake with terrible funeral.

Then he selected from country around
The most hardworking with virtue alive
Stalwarts, out of whose a beautiful guard
made as for his watch, of hundreds five,
which in arms experienced to hoop,
That we name it unvanquished troop.

According to this source, also the other
Cavalry got organization,
Learning a high mastery warfare
Of trooping and weapons temptation,
And boyars envious on what the good keeps
Plotted arrangements in pagan tips.

For, as it happens ever everywhere
That one who will succeed to establish
On route one people nation and will dare
To found the ground of order for his anguish
And all endeavors, high end, sacrifice,
He rather wrong than good on him hears,

Such was also Vlad's bitter portion:
The envious say he is dictator
And over him invented shame distortion,
And want that country don't listen later;
The Impaler called him in silliness
With stake scolding the robbers pitiless.

Hence they quick embassies in secret
Send to the sultan, unsurprising
How vodă king wants country to invite
Over powerful Gate with uprising,
And it is much to be afraid from him
If not impeded in due time his whim.

Right for that matter through hidden way
The sultan now a pasha then another
Teaches and arms and sent them away
Over this high prince undercover,
That ceaselessly both winter and summer
To go and the country to plunder.

But Vlad being with good guard,
Army having well accustomed with arms,
Robber multitudes he with brave hand
In run even caught them many times;
To those caught he gave a savage break
Making to be drawn alive in stake.

Now some thirty thousand approximately
of pagan robbers he in poles stick,
Neither let any bury them quietly,
But to vultures chosen tuck-in tick,
And to ravens for robbery on terrain,
He ordered that they hanged to remain.

Sultan Mohamet by the first intimation
Didn't give much credence to all those,
but coming continuous denunciation,
Wanted to know with basis of course
If all those are indeed not lied,
Through persons by him verified.

For this in shape of great embassy,
Some clever capigi agents has sent.
Catavolin was assigned breathlessly
As the first in this chosen represent,
Catavolin primary chancellor,
A Turkish Greek, son of a dealer.

Toward this the sultan his secret
Desire and thinking opened ahead,
With heart by ire penetrated,
Taking him apart, in this shape said:
Big affair have I, o Catavolin,
And I put my confidence to you all in!...

Muntenian Vodă king, the subject of Gate,
So conducts self with inhumanity,
That believers he gives to the cruel death,
Still more not searching for his liability,
Neither of paying tribute he would mind,
Nor to prostrate himself will remind.

Hence you going do thoroughly inspect,
Try if you can to return him on track,
First of all that to me he prostrate,
And seeing that he stays on his own back
And with will he will not want to give up,
If need with the counsel you will him trap.

And as help in this discrete intention
You will have Hamza with diligence,
Only look to be with big attention
That the Muntenian have not incidence,
That otherwise totally on fire
Would be our endeavor entire...”

The Greek sets out with these prescribed mandate
And deliberating with Hamza occurrence,
In the end in this shape are throwing the net:
He himself to go and put in appearance
To the Muntenian the desire of Gate,
Trying to bring him back to the faith.

But if he would see that he doesn't bow
Hurriedly at Vidin to send announcer
And when vodă king will, as it ought,
Accompany him up to the frontier,
Hamza unto that the Danube to cross
And from hidden place invasion to boss.

Thus the hypocrite dissembling Greek flies
Assigned with the known diplomacy;
To Vlad firstly brings back as advice
All things passed and to come supposedly,
For the past announcing forgiving,
Friendship for the future happening.

“Big indeed is the mistake you made
(He said), but of Gate pity over you
Is, without any doubt, with no end
for it forgives to you the preview
guilt not wanting from now hostility
But only amity and amity.

Not else from you he desires
But only tribute and some five hundred
Of youth; afterward that in a friendly airs
You coming to the Gate, with faded
Bows to Sultan Mohamet to prostrate
And to apologize to the great.”

Vodă king is listening with suffering
All warding and clever desire
And first he good will is offering
Wanting minutely the tyrannical mire
To scrutinize, and if he understood clear,
With greatness thus from mouth did swear:

Do tell to that who sent you here
that in this shape Vlad Vodă king respond:
The tribute is ready, under dear
Door bolt, but to penetrate by bond
There no foreign appetite can as strand
In other way but with sword in hand.

If of them the sultan cares let he arrive
To bring them to him, if confident!...
But neither youth want from home they live
Willingly to go in rims obstinate,
Saying that with motherland together
Want to have fate: bad or good whatever,

And, as about my own person,
To go an to prostrate to high Gate,
You tell that then when the hares in torsion
will outstrip the gray hounds!... to wolves death
The lambs will give, perhaps that then only
I will prostrate and not this lonely!...”

The embassy viewing from all these
That to bow him is not under their power
To Hamza at Vidin gave intelligence
For known operation to prepare,
And with Vlad such thing arrange, no botch,
Up to Danube to give him armed watch.

And Vlad through faithful lookouts brigade
Understanding all shameful maneuver,
Four thousand of chosen cavalry made
To be gathered from country all over
And in secret, by where in which part
Hamza was supposed to keep him path.

Giving fast orders that to be kept
Hidden until a decided term,
And at his given sign ready expect
For war, with doubled virtue and firm,
Afterward also in no instant
To give over Turks from back the onslaught.

By that Vodă all puts in appearance
As when about counsels nothing would guess.
Hence taking his armed guard assurance,
At known given time he does raise
And accompany the messenger with entire
honor and pomp that laws require.

....Florescul, after showing the states of things in Europe and between the Christians, now glides down to Vlad Vodă / king and tells his history since he stayed as domn/king in Țara Muntenească./Romanian Country. M.P. /.../
For this Vlad Vodă, doubled are the chronicles; some write him as a dire tyrant, and others as a worthy domn, but harsh at punishing; as it is said also about Stèfan, the prince of Modova, that he was swift at wrath and bloodshed maker. M.P.
Translation by George Anca

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