vineri, 21 octombrie 2016

Sanskrit and the Worl


Sanskrit and the World



Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi Kendra
Centre of Indology
International Seminar on Sanskrit & Europe
(9TH – 10TH, OCTOBER 2016)

 DAY- 1 
Inaugural Session (9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.)

9.00.a.m.        Registration of delegates

9:45 a.m.        Lighting of Lamp with Manglacharan

10:00 a.m..      Inaugural  address: Prof. Shashi Bala, Head, Indology,                                  Bharatyia Vidya Bhavan

10:10 a.m.      Welcome address - Shri Ashok Pradhan, Director, Bhartyia                            Vidya Bhavan, Delhi Kendra

10:15 a.m.      Keynote  address: Prof. Lokesh Chandra, President Indian                           Council of Cultural Relation

10:40 a.m.      Address: Dr. George Anca

10:45 a.m..     Tea break

2nd Session (11:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon) (Paper- 1, 2 & 3)

Chair- Dr. Gheorghe  Anca

11:00 a.m..      Dr. Oscar Pujol- Sanskrit Dictionaries in modern European Languages

11:30 a.m..     Prof. (Dr.) Milena Bratoeva- Systems of Learning Sanskrit  in Bulgaria

12:00 Noon   Dr. Carmela  Mastrangelo- Comparative Study of Sanskrit roots with Greek,   
                        Latin and Slavic  languages.

3rd  Session (12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.) (Paper- 4 & 5)

Chair-              Prof. (Dr.) Audrius Beimorius                                                                                               
12:30 p.m.-    Shri Ratnesh Mathur  -Grantha Kalam Sanskriti – Loan words in Indo              
                        European Language

1:00 p.m..-       Sh. S.N. Pandita- Early European Sanskrit Lineage and Georg Buhler’s
                       Sanskritic Encounters in Kashmir & New Documentary Evidence Upturns
                       Clods of the foundation of Linguistics (Incandescent Nathaniel Brassey 
                       Halhed Outshines Luminescent William Jones)

1:30 p.m..-        LUNCH                                                                                                                        
4th Session (3:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.) (Paper- 6, 7,8 &9)

Chair-              Dr. Lata Dani
3:00 p.m.-       Prof. Om Prakash Pandey- Criticism of Historical Method Applied in         
                        Vedic Exegesis by European Scholars

3:30 p.m..-     Dr. R.K. Kaushik- Sanskrit and Bulgarian Dictionary

4:00 p.m..-       Tea

4:30 p.m..-     Dr. Koenraad Elst 

5.00 p.m..       Prof. Marcel Coartiade

DAY- 2- 
 5th Session (10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.) (Paper- 10,11&12)

Chair-              Prof. (Dr.) Milena Bratoeva
10:00 a.m.-      Dr. Lata Dani - Sanskrit Connection with Baltic Nations of Europe

10.30. a.m.    . Prof. Shashi Bala – Sanskrit Roots of English Language

11:00 a.m.-      Dr. Monika Nowakowska - First Polish descriptions of the Sanskrit   
                        language and its grammar - Walenty Skorohood  Majewski and his works

6th Session (11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.) (Paper- 13, 14, 15 & 16)

Chair-              Dr. Oscar Pujol

11:30 a.m.-      Dr. Gheorghe Anca- Sanskrit Studies in the West

12:00 Noon-    Prof. (Dr.) Audrius Beimorius- Sanskrit and Lithuania Linguistic Historical  
                        and Cultural Relations

12:30 p.m.-      Dr. (Mrs.) Florina Brat- A Philosophical Perspective of the Case  
                         Structure in Romanian language in the Light of the Paninian Karakas

1:00 p.m.-        Ms. Mane Mkrtchyan - Common Roots of Armenian and Sanskrit Languages 

 1:30 p.m.-        Lunch

7th Session (2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.) (Paper- 17, 18,  19 & 20)

Chair-             Koenraad Elst

2.30 p.m.      Dr. Jahnavi Bidnur & Pratima Waman- Epic Studies and Europe

3:00 p.m.-    Dr. Ram Naresh Tripathi- Sanskrit-bhasha sarvabhashanam janani  iti  
                    kathyate (Sanskrit language is the mother of all languages. So it is said)

3:30 p.m.-        Dr.Joydeep Bagchee- The Sanskrit Epics in German Indology

4:00 p.m.-        Dr. S. Rangnath- Message of Upanishads

 4:30 p.m.-       Tea

8th Session      Valedictory Session (5:0 0 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.)

 5.00 p.m.-       Valedictory Session       

Chief Guest:   Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, Former Minister of Human and                                Resource Development

Address by:      Prof. (Dr) Satya Vrat Shastri, Janapeeth and Padma Bhushan                     Awardee, Former Chairman, Second Sanskrit Commission,                      Government of India

Feedback by
Scholars:         Dr. George Anca, Dr. Oscar Pujol

Vote of Thanks: Shri Ashok Pradhan, Director, Bharatyia Vidya Bhavan, Delhi                   Kendra

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